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Multimodal feedback signals

The project is funded by the cluster Development Program Language Challenges within the Key Profile Area Skills and Structure in Language and Cognition (SSLAC). It runs from 2022-2026.

Project description

Any natural interaction is rife with feedback mechanisms, which serve to coordinate interaction, direct the advancement of narrative, manage attention and establish common ground. These mechanisms can come in different forms and may indicate active involvement, comprehension or trouble. Various feedback signals (continuers, acknowledgement tokens, newsmarkers, change-of-state tokens and others) can be marked by multimodal cues: vocal cues (e.g., ‘mmh’), manual cues (e.g., gestures) and non-manual cues (e.g., nods, eye gaze, facial expression). We focus on feedback signals in free interaction from a multimodal and cross-linguistic perspective by comparing the use and semiotic composition of the in the discourse of speakers and signers.


Student assistant – Lina Herrmann

Collaborations with: Birgit Hellwig, Pamela Perniss, Sonja Gipper, Tobias-Alexander Herrmann, Jana Hosemann, Simona Sbranna, Job Schepens.

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