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Mohr, Susanne, Bauer, Anastasia & Liona Paulus. (submitted). Cultural aspects of sign languages. In the Elsevier International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. (3rd edition), Section “Anthropological Linguistics/Linguistic Anthropology”, ed. by Nico Nassenstein & Svenja Völkel.

Bunčić Daniel, Sonnenhauser, Barbara, Bauer, Anastasia & Tobias-Alexander Herrmann. (in prep). Einführung in die Linguistik der slavischen Sprachen (Textbooks in Language Sciences 999). Berlin: Language Science Press.


Bauer, Anastasia, Anna Kuder, Marc Schulder & Job Schepens. 2024. Phonetic differences between affirmative and feedback head nods in German Sign Language (DGS): A pose estimation study. PLOS ONE 19(5): e0304040.

Russian Sign Language conversations


Poryadin Roman & Anastasia Bauer. 2024. Ukrainian Sign Language? Language Attitudes Among Rechently Immigrated Deaf Ukrainians in Germany. Presented at the Conference on Immigrant Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Additional Language Learners. Universität zu Köln, 28th August, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20794.81609

Schriftsprache und Mundbild


Bauer, Anastasia. 2022. Information structure in sign languages. Evidence from Russian Sign Language and Sign Language of the Netherlands by Vadim Kimmelman. Linguistische Berichte Heft 270, 219225.

Gesture, Sign Languages, and Multimodality