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Polish multimodal conversational corpus

Project description

This is a set of videos featuring Polish immigrants engaging in free discussions on various topics. Participants are filmed in pairs. They are free to choose the topics that suit them and are asked to talk freely for approx 40-60 minutes. 4 pairs of informants have been recorded, featuring 7 individual persons.

The recorded topics of discussion include: immigration to and life in Germany, politics, participants' work/jobs, stories from growing up and about daily life, national cuisine etc.

This material was obtained in January 2023 for the purposes of conducting the project "Gestures or Signs? Comparing Manual and Non-manual Constructions Sharing the Same Form in Co-speech Gesture and Sign Language: A Corpus-driven Approach" funded by DGF under the priority programme ViCom. As the project is aimed at comparing constructions of bodily movements that take the same form in languages belonging to different modalities, it is necessary to analyse video recordings of humans producing language, not only the audio. The next steps of the project include annotating the video material for observed manual and non manual gestures produced by the participants.

Cite as

Kuder, Anna & Anastasia Bauer. 2023. Polish multimodal conversational data. Data Center for the Humanities.