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Linguist, Postdoctoral researcher & Principal Investigator

Anastasia Bauer

Dr. phil., MA
Linguist, Postdoctoral researcher & Principal Investigator

About me

As a dedicated linguist specializing in multimodal language, my work explores how language functions in its most natural setting: face-to-face interaction. By examining both spoken and signed languages, I study human language capacity from a multimodal (in speech, gesture and sign) and cross-linguistic perspective and focus on the intricate ways in which manual and non-manual gestures complement speech and/or signing.

Driven by curiosity and the desire to deepen our understanding of language, my research integrates a variety of methods. These include corpus and computational linguistics, experimental techniques, machine learning, and virtual reality. Together, these approaches allow me to investigate the structure and use of multimodal language in a comprehensive and innovative way.

I received my PhD in 2014 from the University of Cologne in the field of Applied English Linguistics, with the focus on Sign Language Linguistics. 

I am a Junior PI in the Research Center “Skills and Structures in Language and Cognition” (SSLAC) 

PI in the project within DFG Priority Programme 2329 ViCom „Gestures or signs? Comparing manual and non-manual constructions sharing the same form in co-speech gesture and sign language: a corpus driven approach“